My Brilliant Friend (season 4)

My Brilliant Friend (season 4)
9 of 10 episodes
Release dateNovember 18, 2018
CrewLudovica Rapisarda, Jennifer Schuur, Guido De Laurentiis, Elena Recchia, Francesco Nardella, Luigi Mariniello, Giancarlo Basili, Laura Paolucci, Laura Muccino, Sara Polese, Domenico Procacci, Paolo Sorrentino, Lorenzo Mieli, Claudio Corbucci, Beata Saboova, Sara Casani, Mario Gianani, Franco Rapa, Nadia Khamlichi, Fulvio Rossi, Lucille Cristaldi, Giusy Laino, Daria Hensemberger, Sara Casani, Florinda Martucciello, Adrian Politowski, Daniele Luchetti, Martin Metz, Angelo Zemella, Roberta Trovato
Runtime52 min
The series is based on the novels of the Italian writer Helena Ferranto. The plot tells about the lives of two friends who grew up in a poor neighborhood in Naples. Leela and Helena grow up in poor families and in the terrible conditions of the neighborhood, overflowing with violence, crime and scandals. All this affects the girls, and they realize that a bright future is not worth waiting for. Leela is a smart and capable girl, who is praised by school teachers. Even her brother recognizes that the girl is much smarter than many boys, and asks her father to allow her to study further. But the father is adamantly opposed to the fact that the girl is engaged in studies. She will have to work in her father's workshop and the role of a wife.rn
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Episode 1
S04 E01 - The Separation
Episode 2
S04 E02 - Dispersion
Episode 3
S04 E03 - Compromises
Episode 4
S04 E04 - Earthquake
Episode 5
S04 E05 - The Break
Episode 6
S04 E06 - The Cheat
Episode 7
S04 E07 - The Return
Episode 8
S04 E08 - The Investigation
Episode 9
S04 E09 - The Disappearance
Episode 10
S04 E10 - The Restitution

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