3 of 4 episodes
Release dateFebruary 17, 2025
CrewAntonia Gordon, Angie Daniell, Kate Bartlett
CastArthur DarvillJoe ArmstrongJuliet StevensonLaurie DavidsonLucy BoyntonMark StanleyNigel HaversToby JonesToby Stephens
Runtime42 min
The biographical story of murderer Ruth Ellis, inspired by the novel by Carol Ann Lee. Ruth Ellis was a nightclub hostess in Britain. A longtime revolver in the business, the girl was frivolous and changed men frequently. She had four pregnancies, two children and countless admirers to her credit. One day she met a car racer David Blakely, who was engaged to another girl and was a few years younger than Ruth. Their relationship went from just an affair to cohabitation, but neither David did not break up with his fiancee, nor Ruth did not shower other men with his attention. She became pregnant for the fourth time, but, not believing in the serious intentions of her roommate, had an abortion. A little later she began living with another man, but the relationship with Blakely did not stop.
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Episode 4
S01 E04 - Episode 4
March 05, 2025
S01 E04 - Episode 4
March 05, 2025