8 of 10 episodes
Release dateDecember 08, 2021
CrewChris Gehrt, Jordan Temple, Scott Sites, Morgan Murphy, Randall Einhorn, Brian Rubenstein, Garrett Kynard, Wendy O'Brien, Richie Edelson, David Lyons, Josh Greene, Megan Scully, Jacob Standley, Carolina Millan, Rebekka Pesqueira, Henry S. Melendez, Lizzy Darrell, Jeffrey Schwartz, Michael Whetstone, Britanni Nichols, Justin Halpern, Patrick Schumacker, Ross Cavanaugh, Quinta Brunson, Diana Gallego, Jeffrey Schwarz, Thomas Delfino
CastChris PerfettiJanelle JamesLisa Ann WalterQuinta BrunsonSheryl Lee RalphTyler James WilliamsWilliam Stanford Davis
Runtime23 min
Pseudo-documentary series about the life of teachers of Philadelphia high school. This educational institution is poorly financed, the organization of work and educational process leaves much to be desired, but still learning goes on. In the public school are mostly black children. Teaching conditions are quite strict and harsh, as well as working conditions for teachers. Most of the teachers cannot stand such conditions and quit after a year or two. Janine Teague and Jason Hill are the only ones who manage to hang in therern
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Episode 9
S04 E09 - Episode 9
January 09, 2025
S04 E09 - Episode 9
January 09, 2025
Episode 10
S04 E10 - Episode 10
January 16, 2025
S04 E10 - Episode 10
January 16, 2025