Complete season
NetworkThe CW
Release dateOctober 15, 2018
CastCharlie GillespieEllen TamakiMadeleine MantockMelonie DiazRupert EvansSarah JefferySer'Darius Blain
Runtime45 min
The main heroines of this TV show are Macy, Melanie and Margarita. They live together in a university campus. Macy is the elder one. She is always fond of science. She works in the university where she has a brilliant career. Mel is a nice young girl who seeks to control everything. She is a feminist and a lesbian. She tries to keep a cool head in any situation. She really does not like any displays of affection. Margarita is a full of life and naive student girl of the university. She likes sports and she is engaged in cheerleading. She has a lot of friends
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