Clone High (season 2)

Clone High (season 2)
Coming soon...
Release dateMay 23, 2023
CrewMeagan Borosch, Izzy Arias, Matt Jepsky, Christos Kiriakakis, Kimberly Vanek, Ryn Soorholtz, Aubrey Lee, Jess Lamour, Matt Marshall, Marlena Rodriguez, Chris Miller, Alexander Bulkley, Corey Campodonico, Dannah Feinglass Phirman, Phil Lord, Bill Lawrence, Erica Rivinoja, Judah Miller, Jeff Ingold, Mary Hidalgo, Eric Blyler, Leslie Hewitt, Kyle Lau, Libby Thomas Dickey, Danielle Schneider, Erik Durbin, Florian Schereck, Sarah K. Moss, Michael Culbertson, Kassidy Franz, Julie Roark Dod, Ethan Lenick, Rosemary A. Colliver, Laura Tulloss, Christopher Miller
Runtime42 min
Historical figures who have been cloned and brought back to high school, including Abraham Lincoln, Cleopatra, Joan of Arc, John F. Kennedy and others, face the trials of ordinary teenage life.rn
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Episode 1
S02 E01 - Blinded with Pseudoscience: Magnetic Distractions
Episode 2
S02 E02 - Don't You Get It? Sports Are Huge in This Town
Episode 3
S02 E03 - Bible Humpers: A Much Needed Praycation
Episode 4
S02 E04 - The Principal Principle: Sub Zero to Sub Hero
Episode 5
S02 E05 - Money Can Buy Me Love: Stupid Is as Cupid Does
Episode 6
S02 E06 - Go Yell It on the Mountain: Snow Way Out
Episode 7
S02 E07 - Grave Mistakes: The Virgin Homicides
Episode 8
S02 E08 - Cyranos: A Portmant-Opus
Episode 9
S02 E09 - Cloney Island: Twist!
Episode 10
S02 E10 - The Cloniest Place on Earth: Missile While You Work

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