Complete season
Release dateOctober 14, 2021
CrewRebecca Addelman, Whitney Hodack, Sam Hansen, Jim Ziegler, Mike Farah, Trent O'Donnell, Becca Kinskey, Joe Farrell, Kate Beckinsale, Jimmy Miller
Runtime30 min
Beth Burgess, a discredited journalist desperate to salvage her career by latching on to the story of a young mother who has been sentenced to life in prison for maiming and murdering her husband, crimes she claims she didn't commit. In trying to uncover the truth, Beth finds herself in over her head as she contends with Colorado gun-smugglers, clickbait culture, the doldrums of marriage and her own tarnished past.
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Episode 1
S01 E01 - The Last Real Journalist Working in Denver
October 14, 2021
S01 E01 - The Last Real Journalist Working in Denver
October 14, 2021