Charles Hudson is a law enforcement officer who was able to solve a lot of criminal offenses, clearing the city of crime. All would be nothing, only with the protagonist no one wants to communicate, because he talks too much. Therefore, for a long time, Charles Hudson works without a partner. However, one day he gets a really loyal partner, a dog named Rex. As a result, they will have to face a lot of difficulties while they are engaged in the search for different and dangerous criminal offenders. Charles likes to talk a lot, and Rex, in turn, will listen to him silently and not interrupt him.rn
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Episode 8
S07 E08 - Hot Prowl in the City
Will be soon
S07 E08 - Hot Prowl in the City
Will be soon
Episode 9
S07 E09 - A Most Holy Dog
March 12, 2025
S07 E09 - A Most Holy Dog
March 12, 2025