Last Tango in Halifax (season 1)

Last Tango in Halifax (season 1)
Complete season
Release dateNovember 20, 2012
CrewNicola Shindler, Karen Lewis, Sally Wainwright
Runtime60 min
Alan and Celia, who were childhood sweethearts, reconnect through Facebook after being encouraged by their respective grandsons. Their reunion sparks a whirlwind romance, leading to an engagement by the end of the first episode. As Alan and Celia navigate their newfound love, their relationship deeply impacts their grown daughters. Caroline (Sarah Lancashire), a private school headmistress struggling with her identity and feelings for her female colleague, Kate. Gillian (Nicola Walker), a hot-headed farmer dealing with financial struggles and emotional baggage.
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Episode 1
S01 E01 - Episode 1
Episode 2
S01 E02 - Episode 2
Episode 3
S01 E03 - Episode 3
Episode 4
S01 E04 - Episode 4
Episode 5
S01 E05 - Episode 5
Episode 6
S01 E06 - Episode 6

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