Leverage: Redemption (season 3)

Leverage: Redemption (season 3)
Coming soon...
Release dateJuly 08, 2021
CrewJohn Rogers, Brandon Lambdin, Rachel Olschan, Kate Rorick, Dean Devlin, Chris Downey, Marc Roskin, Josh Schaer, Mary Huber, Hannah Kreger, Ashley Bunge, Blossom Peters, Deven Schruff, Claire Williams, Kirk W. Johnson, Teagan Wall, Elisabeth Mourot, Jason Crow, Barbara Stordahl, Meagan Lewis, Angela Terry, Jill Weinberger, Mark Franco, Elston Howard, Damien Lubiak, Cynthia Jean Hajj, Dylan Gravley
Runtime50 min
Season 3 introduces a range of challenging adversaries, including a power broker exploiting clean water resources, a corrupt small-town mayor, a pool hustler involved in international extortion, and an industrialist exploiting child labor. Additionally, the team must navigate a complex plan of vengeance from a past enemy, adding an element of personal danger to their missions. The season promises to deliver more of the high-stakes cons and heists that fans love, while exploring the personal relationships and dynamics within the team.
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Episode 1
S03 E01 - Episode 1
Episode 2
S03 E02 - Episode 2
Episode 3
S03 E03 - Episode 3
Episode 4
S03 E04 - Episode 4
Episode 5
S03 E05 - Episode 5
Episode 6
S03 E06 - Episode 6
Episode 7
S03 E07 - Episode 7
Episode 8
S03 E08 - Episode 8
Episode 9
S03 E09 - Episode 9
Episode 10
S03 E10 - Episode 10

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