Longmire (season 6)

Longmire (season 6)
5 of 10 episodes
Release dateJune 03, 2012
Runtime60 min
Being a widower he suffers hard and tries to heal the pain of losing by working. The work was always the thing he loved, and for the last time it takes all his time and power. But the sheriff is given an assistant named Vic. This energetic young girl is an experienced cop. She has a solid working experience in homicide of Philadelphia. These skills help partners to fight criminals on the territory they control.
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Episode 1
S06 E01 - The Eagle and the Osprey
Episode 2
S06 E02 - Fever
Episode 3
S06 E03 - Thank You, Victoria
Episode 4
S06 E04 - A Thing I'll Never Understand
Episode 5
S06 E05 - Burned Up My Tears
Episode 6
S06 E06 - No Greater Character Endorsement
Episode 7
S06 E07 - Opiates and Antibiotics
Episode 8
S06 E08 - Cowboy Bill
Episode 9
S06 E09 - Running Eagle Challenge
Episode 10
S06 E10 - Goodbye Is Always Implied

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