Complete season
Release dateMay 21, 2021
CrewJeph Loeb, Jordan Blum, Patton Oswalt
CastAimee GarciaBeck BennettBen SchwartzJon DalyMelissa FumeroPatton OswaltSam RichardsonWendi McLendon-Covey
Runtime42 min
The megalomaniacal supervillain M.O.D.O.K. has long pursued his dream of one day conquering the world. But after years of setbacks and failures fighting the Earth's mightiest heroes, M.O.D.O.K. has run his evil organization A.I.M. into the ground. Ousted as A.I.M.'s leader, while also dealing with his crumbling marriage and family life, the Mental Organism Designed Only for Killing is set to confront his greatest challenge yet: a midlife crisis!
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