NCIS (season 22)

NCIS (season 22)
15 of 18 episodes
Release dateSeptember 24, 2003
CrewDavid Schiller, Susan Bluestein, Donald P. Bellisario, Shane Brennan, Gary Glasberg, Mark R. Schilz, Steven D. Binder, Mark Harmon, Scott Williams, Avery C. Drewe, Mark Horowitz, Richie Owens, Justin J. Kilmer, Yasemin Yilmaz, Joel Sinderman, Meredith Goble, Brendan Fehily, David J. North, Krysti Baxter, Katherine Beattie, Jim McClafferty, Nicole 'Nikki' Wright, Dana Paul, Shawna Hoppes, Ted Martinez, Jaime Killion, Meli Reilly, Christopher J. Waild, Marco Schnabel, Chad Gomez Creasey, Jason Kennedy, Philip DeGuere Jr., Chas. Floyd Johnson, Julie B. Watson, David Bellisario, Jeff Vlaming, Doris Egan, Don McGill, Gil Grant, John Rodenhizer
Runtime45 min
The series tells about the adventures of a team of professional special agents. Their task is to investigate crimes that have something to do with the Marines. The group of investigators is headed by Special Agent Gibbs. His team includes former detective Anthony DiNozzo, Mossad native Ziva David, forensic experts Abby Sciuto and Donald Mallard, and information technology specialist Timothy McGee.rn
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Episode 1
S22 E01 - Empty Nest
Episode 2
S22 E02 - Foreign Bodies
Episode 3
S22 E03 - The Trouble with Hal
Episode 4
S22 E04 - Sticks & Stones
Episode 5
S22 E05 - In from the Cold
Episode 6
S22 E06 - Knight and Day
Episode 7
S22 E07 - Hardboiled
Episode 8
S22 E08 - Out of Control
Episode 9
S22 E09 - Humbug
Episode 10
S22 E10 - Baker's Man
Episode 11
S22 E11 - For Better or Worse
Episode 12
S22 E12 - Fun and Games
Episode 13
S22 E13 - Bad Blood
Episode 14
S22 E14 - Close to Home
Episode 15
S22 E15 - Moonlit
Episode 16
S22 E16 - Ladies' Night
Episode 17
S22 E17 - Killer Instinct
Episode 18
S22 E18 - After the Storm

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