School Spirits (season 2)

School Spirits (season 2)
7 of 8 episodes
Release dateMarch 09, 2023
CrewMegan Trinrud, Oliver Goldstick, Peyton List, Nate Trinrud, Kerry Barden, Julia Niendorf, Andrew Dahreddine, Molly Murphy, Samantha Camilleri, Shannon Co, Paul Schnee, Charlie Campbell, Donald Petersen, Rachel Goldman, Max Winkler, Melissa Klein
Runtime42 min
A gripping mystery series that tells the story of a young girl, Maddie, who unexpectedly finds herself in the afterlife after her untimely death. Now unable to leave the walls of her home school, Maddie faces the unique and sometimes terrifying challenges of her new existence. In this mysterious world, she meets other young ghosts, each with their own tragic histories and unresolved cases.
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Episode 1
S02 E01 - Whatever Happened to Maddie Nears?
Episode 2
S02 E02 - Field of Screams
Episode 3
S02 E03 - Can't Hauntly Wait
Episode 4
S02 E04 - Episode 4
Episode 5
S02 E05 - Episode 5
Episode 6
S02 E06 - Episode 6
Episode 7
S02 E07 - Episode 7
Episode 8
S02 E08 - Episode 8

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