This is the fourth season of a funny American animated television series telling about the adventures of a boy named Steven who becomes involved in the struggle for freedom and the safety of Earth and the Galaxy. The main character is the owner of one of the supernatural gems that grant its owner an outstanding ability. However, the first time Steven tries to cope with his incredible skills that comes out comical and funny. However, soon the main character will gain strength that is able to resist the universal evil. The old plot can be repeated. Once upon a time, five thousand years ago, the planet Earth was a large-scale battle. Back then the protectors have defended the planet, but this time the stakes are even higher. It is necessary to defend the whole Universe. Fortunately, beside Steven are loyal companions and assistants, aliens with unique abilities who hunt for monsters, have the same crystals as Steven has. However, the crystals that evildoers have, are corrupted. This is why they decide to use the power not for good but for evil and cruelty. But the team led by Steven will be able to fight back!
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Episode 25
S04 E25 - I Am My Mom
Will be soon
S04 E25 - I Am My Mom
Will be soon