The Buccaneers (season 2)

The Buccaneers (season 2)
Coming soon...
Release dateNovember 08, 2023
CrewTamara-Lee Notcutt, Helen Taylor, Alecia Weaver, Stephen Burt, Beth Willis, Katherine Jakeways, Susanna White, Claudine Sturdy, Kahleen Crawford
Runtime50 min
Inspired by Edith Wharton|s unfinished novel, the series continues to explore the lives of five ambitious young American women navigating London|s high society during the Gilded Age in the 1870s. Season 2 picks up after the dramatic cliffhanger of Season 1, where Nan St. George (Kristine Froseth) sacrificed her feelings for Guy Thwarte (Matthew Broome) to marry Theo, Duke of Tintagel (Guy Remmers), in order to protect her pregnant sister Jinny (Imogen Waterhouse) from her abusive husband. Now, Nan faces the challenges of her new role as Duchess, including societal pressures to produce an heir and her unresolved feelings for Guy. The season delves deeper into themes of identity and family secrets as Nan confronts revelations about her birth mother, who unexpectedly appeared at her wedding. Honoria Marable (Mia Threapleton) and Mabel Elmsworth (Josie Totah) navigate their growing romantic relationship amidst financial struggles and societal expectations. Conchita Closson (Alisha Boe) faces complications in her marriage to Lord Richard Marable (Josh Dylan). The group|s once-close bond begins to fray as their lives take divergent paths.
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Episode 1
S02 E01 - Episode 1
Episode 2
S02 E02 - Episode 2
Episode 3
S02 E03 - Episode 3
Episode 4
S02 E04 - Episode 4
Episode 5
S02 E05 - Episode 5
Episode 6
S02 E06 - Episode 6
Episode 7
S02 E07 - Episode 7
Episode 8
S02 E08 - Episode 8

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