The Cleaning Lady (season 4)

The Cleaning Lady (season 4)
Coming soon...
Release dateJanuary 04, 2022
CrewChristian Diaz de Bedoya, David Dean Portelli, Rose Marie Vega, Paola Suarez, Shay Mitchell, Melissa Carter, Miranda Kwok, Michael Offer
Runtime45 min
Doctor Toni is forced to travel from the Philippines to the United States to save her son, who has been diagnosed with a rare disease. The woman is looking for a donor, works as a cleaner and accidentally witnesses a murder. Toni gets a job as a cleaner for a local authority - she has to clean up crime scenes and hide evidence.
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Episode 1
S04 E01 - My Way
Episode 2
S04 E02 - Le Medecin
Episode 3
S04 E03 - Mercy

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