Complete season
Release dateAugust 15, 2021
CrewJoanna Werner, Michael Lucas, Brett Sleigh, Sally Riley, Stuart Menzies
CastAnna TorvChai HansenChum EhelepolaDaniel GilliesMarg DowneyMichelle Lim DavidsonPhilippa NortheastRobert TaylorRory Fleck-ByrneSam ReidStephen PeacockeWilliam McInnes
Runtime1 min
The heart of the series beats in the buzzing atmosphere of a commercial newsroom in the mid-1980s. Here, amidst the heat of passion and the race for sensation, two very different people meet: a young, looking for his place reporter Sam Reid and a bright, ambitious, and not without a sharp tongue announcer, played by Anna Torv. They are united by a bold decision to challenge the established canons of TV journalism and try a new, unconventional approach to covering the most important events of the time. They are responsible for showing millions of viewers the complex and tragic events that changed the world: the devastating AIDS crisis, the Challenger shuttle disaster, and the magnificent passage of Halley's Comet.rn
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