The Old Man (season 2)

The Old Man (season 2)
Complete season
Release dateJune 17, 2022
CrewDenise Chamian, Jeff Bridges, Jon Watts, Warren Littlefield, David L. Schiff, Robert Levine, Jonathan E. Steinberg, Allen Marshall Palmer, Sarah J. Donohue, Jordana Sapiurka, Liz Reis, Dan Cooley, Zarah Kulczycki, Eamon Buehning, Kristan Berona, Dan Shotz, Graham Littlefield, Ann Johnson, Judd Rea, Bryan Diaz, Jessica De La Cruz, Stewart Strandberg, Joshua Persky, Andrew Haspel, Caitlan Moore, Rick Surad, Blake Carr, Vince Robinette, J.P. O'Connor, Zou00eb Neary, Leslie Stout Glennon, Alcie Losk, Robyn Shwer, Tera Havey, Emily Corsini, Kivu Robinson, Ben McCrea, Ahmet Elez, Vivien Mao, Robyn Luttrell, Bridget Greene, Lu Anna Jurado, Jonathan Blake, Craig Silverstein
Runtime42 min
Dan Chase is a CIA operative who has been out of the service for decades. One day, a group of assassins sent to eliminate Chase shows up on his doorstep, and he realizes that the past has come back to haunt him. To save his future, Chase must now take up arms again.rn
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Episode 1
S02 E01 - VIII
Episode 2
S02 E02 - IX
Episode 3
S02 E03 - X
Episode 4
S02 E04 - XI
Episode 5
S02 E05 - XII
Episode 6
S02 E06 - XIII
Episode 7
S02 E07 - XIV
Episode 8
S02 E08 - XV

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