10 of 13 episodes
NetworkCartoon Network
Release dateSeptember 09, 2023
CrewClint Lavigne, Audrey Diehl, Erin Gibson, Nate Cash, Steven Spielberg, Darryl Frank, Justin Falvey, Sam Register
CastAshleigh Crystal HairstonBob BergenCandi MiloDavid Errigo Jr.Eric BauzaFred TatascioreJeff BergmanTessa Netting
Runtime42 min
In the story, Babs, Buster and the rest of the team go to Acme Loon University. During their studies, they develop lasting friendships and perfect their cartoon craft by learning from the greatest cartoon characters in historyrn
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Episode 11
S01 E11 - Things That Go Tweet in the Woods
Will be soon
S01 E11 - Things That Go Tweet in the Woods
Will be soon
Episode 12
S01 E12 - Whatever Happened to Babsy Bunny?
Will be soon
S01 E12 - Whatever Happened to Babsy Bunny?
Will be soon
Episode 13
S01 E13 - Spring Break
Will be soon
S01 E13 - Spring Break
Will be soon