Complete season
Release dateApril 07, 2014
CastAngus MacfadyenBurn GormanDaniel HenshallHeather LindJ.J. FeildJamie BellKevin McNallyKsenia SoloMeegan WarnerOwain YeomanSamuel RoukinSeth Numrich
Runtime42 min
Follows New York farmer, Abe Woodhull, who bands together with a group of childhood friends to form The Culper Ring, an unlikely group of spies who turn the tide in America's fight for independence.
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Episode 3
S01 E03 - Of Cabbages and Kings
April 21, 2014
S01 E03 - Of Cabbages and Kings
April 21, 2014
Episode 7
S01 E07 - Mercy Moment Murder Measure
May 19, 2014
S01 E07 - Mercy Moment Murder Measure
May 19, 2014
Episode 10
S01 E10 - The Battle of Setauket
June 09, 2014
S01 E10 - The Battle of Setauket
June 09, 2014