Coming soon...
Release dateMay 01, 2011
CrewPhil Hunter, Will Nicholson
CastBrenda BlethynChristopher ColquhounClare CalbraithCush JumboDavid LeonIbinabo JackJon MorrisonKenny DoughtyKingsley Ben-AdirKristy PhilippsLisa HammondNoof OusellamPaul KayePaul RitterRiley JonesSonya CassidyWunmi Mosaku
Runtime90 min
Often an unremarkable and generally prosperous appearance can hide a whole life drama, which makes itself known at the most inopportune moments of work and personal life. Vera Stanhope works as a senior police inspector. The main character of the series seems to be an incredibly confident and strong-spirited woman who is ready to fight crime and put in place even the craziest villainsrn
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Episode 1
S14 E01 - Inside
January 01, 2025
S14 E01 - Inside
January 01, 2025
Episode 2
S14 E02 - The Dark Wives
January 02, 2025
S14 E02 - The Dark Wives
January 02, 2025