Wire in the Blood (season 6)

Wire in the Blood (season 6)
Complete season
Release dateNovember 14, 2002
Runtime60 min
In Hill's opinion, the maniac has a definite goal and seeks to bind all the victims to each other. He kills people not for pleasure, but in the name of revenge. But is the professional right in his arguments? Can ethnopsychology help in the investigation of this case?rn
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Episode 1-2
S06 E01E02 - Unnatural Vices: Part 1 & Unnatural Vices: Part 2
Episode 3-4
S06 E03E04 - Fall the Shadow: Part 1 & Fall the Shadow: Part 2
Episode 5-6
S06 E05E06 - From the Defeated: Part 1 & From the Defeated: Part 2
Episode 7-8
S06 E07E08 - The Dead Land: Part 1 & The Dead Land: Part 2

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