Yellowjackets (season 3)

Yellowjackets (season 3)
Coming soon...
Release dateNovember 15, 2021
CrewJonathan Lisco, Ashley Lyle, Junie Lowry-Johnson, Bart Nickerson, Karyn Kusama, Drew Comins, Josh Ropiequet, Libby Goldstein, Tayah Geist, Cara Lawson, Brad Van Arragon, Jamie Travis, Liz Phang, Jeffrey Stott, Brendan Garst, Craig Amendola, Edward Mazurek, Lauri Flores, Ameni Rozsa, Sarah L. Thompson, Chantelle M. Wells, Dale Cornick, Lauren Stope, Greg Astop, Roquaya Hameid, Bethany Wurl
Runtime57 min
A high school women's soccer team crashes an airplane in the forests of Ontario. As the search continues, the survivors slowly shed the patina of civilization. They turn from a cohesive team into a disparate clan of cannibals.rn
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Episode 1
S03 E01 - Episode 1
Episode 2
S03 E02 - Episode 2
Episode 3
S03 E03 - Episode 3
Episode 4
S03 E04 - Episode 4
Episode 5
S03 E05 - Episode 5
Episode 6
S03 E06 - Episode 6
Episode 7
S03 E07 - Episode 7
Episode 8
S03 E08 - Episode 8
Episode 9
S03 E09 - Episode 9
Episode 10
S03 E10 - Episode 10

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