Complete season
Release dateFebruary 20, 2025
CrewRobert De Niro, Michael Schmidt, Roberto Patino, Lesli Linka Glatter, Noah Oppenheim, Jonathan Glickman, Eric Newman
CastAngela BassettBill CampClark GreggConnie BrittonDan StevensGaby HoffmannJesse PlemonsJoan AllenLizzy CaplanMark IvanirMatthew ModineMcKinley Belcher IIIRobert De Niro
Runtime42 min
In the story, former U.S. President George Mullen, now the acting head of the Zero Day Vulnerability Commission, has to search for the perpetrators of a cyberattack that wreaked havoc on the country and cost thousands of lives. The ambitions of powerful people in technology, government and Wall Street prevent him from finding the perpetrators, but Mullen, unwavering in his search for the truth, is willing to expose his own sins and put everything he holds dear on the line to get the job done.rn
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