Complete season
NetworkSeven Network
Release dateSeptember 14, 2015
CrewJames Griffin
CastAnna JullienneBenson Jack AnthonyCian Elyse WhiteEmma LeonardErik ThomsonMelina VidlerMichelle LangstoneRick Donald
Runtime60 min
A recently bereaved father decides to leave his job as a columnist for a well-known Sudpeu newspaper. He decides to buy a house in a remote town in New Zealand via the Internet. Now he has to move with two teenagers who are afraid of an uncertain future. The father hopes for a new life full of opportunities, but the locals are overly curious and interfere with their plans. The family finds it difficult to adapt to their new surroundings, and their dreams of a quiet life begin to collide with reality. The children, unwilling to leave the familiar world, are protesting, and the father tries to find a balance between the desire for a new beginning and the need to take into account the feelings of his children. In the process of getting to know the locals and their way of life, they gradually begin to open up to new possibilities, which eventually leads to unexpected turns in their lives.
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