Complete season
Release dateOctober 07, 2022
CrewHilary Swank, Bert Salke, Peter Elkoff, Melissa Wells, Kyle Hopkins, Ryan Binkley
CastAmi ParkCraig FrankGrace DoveHilary SwankJeff PerryMatt MalloyMeredith HolzmanPablo Castelblanco
Runtime42 min
The main character of the series, Eileen Fitzgerald, is a disgraced reporter from New York. To start her new life she decided to change a lot of things for herself. Her new story begins very far from home, somewhere in Alaska and there she is convinced of her new and very unusual position. She really needs to make sure that her new story doesn't end as sadly as this one. Anything else makes no sense. So she needs to start working in her chosen direction as soon as possible. The heroine is not going to write anything else that might change her existence.rn
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Episode 5
S01 E05 - I Have No Idea What You're Talking About, Eileen
November 04, 2022
S01 E05 - I Have No Idea What You're Talking About, Eileen
November 04, 2022
Episode 8
S01 E08 - Tell a Reporter Not to Do Something and Suddenly It's a Party
March 10, 2023
S01 E08 - Tell a Reporter Not to Do Something and Suddenly It's a Party
March 10, 2023