Complete season
Release dateNovember 24, 2020
CrewAndrew Macdonald, Allon Reich, Lucy Richer, Ayela Butt, Amanda Coe
CastAisling FranciosiAlessandro NivolaChaneil KularDiana RiggDipika KunwarGemma ArtertonGianni GonsalvesGina McKeeJim BroadbentKaren BrysonKulvinder GhirNila AaliaPatsy FerranRosie CavalieroSoumil Malla
Runtime42 min
Set in the 1930s, it's the story of a group of nuns who travel to Nepal to set up a branch of their order, and Sister Clodagh's struggle with her attraction to a land agent, against the backdrop of the tragic history of a Nepalese princess.
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