Cobra Kai (season 6)

Cobra Kai (season 6)
10 of 15 episodes
Release dateMay 02, 2018
CrewWill Smith, Bob Wilson, Jon Hurwitz, Christine Smith Shevchenko, Dougie Cash, Alexis Frank Koczara, Luan Thomas, Joe Piarulli, Caleeb Pinkett, Josh Heald, John Findley III, Hayden Schlossberg, Susan Ekins, James Lassiter, Ralph Macchio, William Zabka, Stacey Harman, Mallory Yund, Olubajo Sonubi, Bob Dearden, Jason Belleville, Max Goudsmit, Carole Kaboya, Matt Lottman, Ahmadou Seck, Matthew McManus, Kevin McManus, Michael Jonathan Smith, Chase Paris, Tara Feldstein Bennett, Mark Sussman, Dieter Busch, Patty Connolly, Jerry Shih, Shane Keller, Katrin L. Goodson, Cindy Kerber, Michael Carroll
Runtime30 min
Immerse yourself in a world of nostalgia, drama and uncompromising karate. Former bully and broke loser, Johnny Lawrence, decides to make a comeback by rebuilding the legendary Cobra Kai karate school. But his plans cross paths with Daniel LaRusso, a successful man seeking to preserve the harmony instilled in him by the wise Master Miyagi. Together, they face the shadows of the past and grapple with current problems, using karate as a tool not only for defense but also for healing. Rekindling old friendships and igniting new animosities is what awaits the characters on their journey to truly understand themselves and their place in the world. This is not just a series about karate, it is a story about returning to oneself and finding inner balance, where every strike is a step towards overcoming obstacles and becoming stronger.rn
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Episode 1
S06 E01 - Peacetime in the Valley
Episode 2
S06 E02 - The Prize
Episode 3
S06 E03 - Sleeper
Episode 4
S06 E04 - Underdogs
Episode 5
S06 E05 - Best of the Best
Episode 6
S06 E06 - Benvinguts a Barcelona
Episode 7
S06 E07 - Dog in the Fight
Episode 8
S06 E08 - Snakes on a Plane
Episode 9
S06 E09 - Blood In Blood Out
Episode 10
S06 E10 - Eunjangdo
Episode 11
S06 E11 - Episode 11
Episode 12
S06 E12 - Episode 12
Episode 13
S06 E13 - Episode 13
Episode 14
S06 E14 - Episode 14
Episode 15
S06 E15 - Episode 15

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