Dynasty (season 2)

The saga of a wealthy Denver family in the oil business: Blake Carrington, the patriarch; Krystle, his former secretary and wife; his children: Adam, lost in childhood after a kidnapping; Fallon, pampered and spoiled; Steven, openly gay; and Amanda, hidden from him by his ex-wife, the conniving Alexis. Most of the show features the conflict between 2 large corporations, Blake's Denver Carrington and Alexis' ColbyCo.rn
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Episode 1
S02 E01 - Enter Alexis
Episode 2
S02 E02 - The Verdict
Episode 3
S02 E03 - Alexis' Secret
Episode 4
S02 E04 - Fallon's Father
Episode 5
S02 E05 - Reconciliation
Episode 6
S02 E06 - Viva Las Vegas
Episode 7
S02 E07 - The Miscarriage
Episode 8
S02 E08 - The Mid-East Meeting
Episode 9
S02 E09 - The Psychiatrist
Episode 10
S02 E10 - Sammy Jo and Steven Marry
Episode 11
S02 E11 - The Car Explosion
Episode 12
S02 E12 - Blake's Blindness
Episode 13
S02 E13 - The Hearing
Episode 14
S02 E14 - The Iago Syndrome
Episode 15
S02 E15 - The Party
Episode 16
S02 E16 - The Baby
Episode 17
S02 E17 - Mother and Son
Episode 18
S02 E18 - The Gun
Episode 19
S02 E19 - The Fragment
Episode 20
S02 E20 - The Shakedown
Episode 21
S02 E21 - The Two Princes
Episode 22
S02 E22 - The Cliff

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