Coming soon...
NetworkBBC One
Release dateJanuary 14, 2013
CrewTrudy Coleman, Julia Crampsie, Stephen Moore, Sam Hill, Will Trotter, Ian Vasey, Jonny Phillips, Helen Bater, Hannah Shields, David Lardner, John Yorke, Ceri Meyrick, David Lewis Richardson
CastAlex PriceClaudie BlakleyEmer KennyHugo SpeerJack DeamJohn BurtonMark WilliamsNancy CarrollRuby-May MartinwoodSorcha CusackTom Chambers
Runtime45 min
In the British priest there is a great part of those qualities that were inherent in Sherlock Holmes. He was able to pay attention to insignificant details, in communication he tried to pay more attention to the interlocutor's facial expressions - after all, gestures of the inhabitant of our planet, as scientists now believe, can say more than words. The deepest analysis and the ability to think logically make Father Brown, on the outside shy and inconspicuous, a formidable denouncer for lawbreakersrn
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Episode 1
S12 E01 - The Battle of Kembleford
January 10, 2025
S12 E01 - The Battle of Kembleford
January 10, 2025
Episode 2
S12 E02 - The Kembleston Players
Will be soon
S12 E02 - The Kembleston Players
Will be soon
Episode 3
S12 E03 - The Horns of Cernunnos
Will be soon
S12 E03 - The Horns of Cernunnos
Will be soon
Episode 4
S12 E04 - The Invisible Friends
Will be soon
S12 E04 - The Invisible Friends
Will be soon
Episode 5
S12 E05 - The Cup of Calabria
Will be soon
S12 E05 - The Cup of Calabria
Will be soon
Episode 6
S12 E06 - The Lord of the Dance
Will be soon
S12 E06 - The Lord of the Dance
Will be soon
Episode 7
S12 E07 - The Deserving Poor
Will be soon
S12 E07 - The Deserving Poor
Will be soon
Episode 8
S12 E08 - The Sisters of Aeschylus
Will be soon
S12 E08 - The Sisters of Aeschylus
Will be soon
Episode 9
S12 E09 - The Puzzle of Banburismus
Will be soon
S12 E09 - The Puzzle of Banburismus
Will be soon
Episode 10
S12 E10 - The Blessing of the Father
Will be soon
S12 E10 - The Blessing of the Father
Will be soon