Ghosts (season 4)

Ghosts (season 4)
6 of 13 episodes
Release dateApril 15, 2019
CrewKate Daughton, Martha Howe-Douglas, Simon Farnaby, Jim Howick, Ben Willbond, Mathew Baynton, Laurence Rickard, Matthew Mulot, Alison Carpenter, Alison Owen, Debra Hayward, Jill Forbes, Jose Calvo, Francesca Currey, Lilly Hanbury, Kelly Valentine Hendry, Alex Irwin, Imogen Cooper, Amy Maguire
Runtime30 min
A young married couple, Allison and Mike, were in such a hurry to move into their new home that they didn't even bother to check the mansion's history. For a long time it stood empty, and all potential buyers turned down the unusual deal at the last minute. Only the romantically inclined guys did not give in to panic, considering everything that was happening a silly fairy tale. At first, the new owners of the chic home refused to believe in the existence of ghosts from various historical eras.rn
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Episode 1
S04 E01 - Patience
Episode 2
S04 E02 - Sam's Dad
Episode 3
S04 E03 - Halloween 4: The Witch
Episode 4
S04 E04 - The Work Retreat
Episode 5
S04 E05 - A Star Is Dead
Episode 6
S04 E06 - The Primary Source
Episode 7
S04 E07 - Sad Farnsby
Episode 8
S04 E08 - A Very Arondekar Christmas (1)
Episode 9
S04 E09 - A Very Arondekar Christmas (2)
Episode 10
S04 E10 - The Not-So-Silent Partner
Episode 11
S04 E11 - Thorapy 2: Abandonment Issues
Episode 12
S04 E12 - It's the End of the World as We Know It and What Were We Talking About?
Episode 13
S04 E13 - Ghostfellas

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