Goliath (season 4)

Goliath (season 4)
Complete season
Release dateOctober 13, 2016
CrewRoss Fineman, Jennifer Ames, Marisa Wegrzyn, Derek Johansen, Aaron Greenberg, Steve Turner, Geyer Kosinski, Lawrence Trilling, Rami Rank, Adam Ben Frank, David Babcock, Noelle Valdivia, Daniele Nathanson, Dennie Gordon, Warren Hsu Leonard, Tony Saltzman
Runtime55 min
Once a powerful lawyer, Billy McBride is now burned out and washed up, spending more time in a bar than a courtroom. When he reluctantly agrees to pursue a wrongful death lawsuit against the biggest client of Cooperman & McBride, the massive law firm he helped create, Billy and his ragtag team uncover a vast and deadly conspiracy, pitting them all in a life or death trial against the ultimate Goliath.
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Episode 1
S04 E01 - Hadleyville
Episode 2
S04 E02 - The Pain Killer
Episode 3
S04 E03 - Signed, William Hamilton McBride
Episode 4
S04 E04 - Forcibly Removed
Episode 5
S04 E05 - Spilt Milk
Episode 6
S04 E06 - Rundleworks
Episode 7
S04 E07 - Lawyer Trickery Bullshit
Episode 8
S04 E08 - It's Time

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