Hill Street Blues (season 7)

Hill Street Blues (season 7)
Complete season
Release dateJanuary 16, 1981
CrewAnthony Yerkovich, Walon Green, Gregory Hoblit, Michael Kozoll, David Anspaugh, Penny Adams, Sascha Schneider, Michael Vittes, Grant Tinker, David Milch, Scott Brazil, Steven Bochco, Jeff Lewis, David Latt
Runtime45 min
This groundbreaking and award-winning NBC crime drama provided a very realistic view into the lives of the dedicated cops and detectives of an urban police station. From January 1981 to August 1986, the show ran on Thursdays at 10/9 Central, with occasional repeats on Saturdays at 10/9 Central. From August 1986 to August 1987 first-run episodes aired Tuesdays at 10/9 Central
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Episode 1
S07 E01 - Suitcase
Episode 2
S07 E02 - A Case of Klapp
Episode 3
S07 E03 - The Best Defense
Episode 4
S07 E04 - Bald Ambition
Episode 5
S07 E05 - I Come on My Knees
Episode 6
S07 E06 - Say Uncle
Episode 7
S07 E07 - Amazing Grace
Episode 8
S07 E08 - Falling from Grace
Episode 9
S07 E09 - Fathers and Guns
Episode 10
S07 E10 - More Skinned Against Than Skinning
Episode 11
S07 E11 - She's So Fein
Episode 12
S07 E12 - A Wasted Weekend
Episode 13
S07 E13 - City of Refuse
Episode 14
S07 E14 - Der Roachenkavalier
Episode 15
S07 E15 - Norman Conquest
Episode 16
S07 E16 - Sorry, Wrong Number
Episode 17
S07 E17 - The Cookie Crumbles
Episode 18
S07 E18 - Dogsbreath Afternoon
Episode 19
S07 E19 - Days of Swine and Roses
Episode 20
S07 E20 - The Runner Falls on His Kisser
Episode 21
S07 E21 - A Pound of Flesh
Episode 22
S07 E22 - It Ain't Over Till it's Over

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