Complete season
Release dateMarch 14, 2022
CastAmy ConroyAnne KentBrenda FrickerCharlene McKennaClinton LibertyConleth HillDemi Isaac OviaweEleanor TiernanFelix BrownGary ShelfordHelen BehanLochlann O'Mearu00e1inNorma SheahanOlwen Fouu00e9ru00e9Pat KinevanePauline McLynnSiobhu00e1n McSweeneySky Yang
Runtime60 min
Following Local police officer Sergeant PJ Collins is a gentle man who hides from people and fills his days with comfort food and half-hearted police work. He is one of life's outsiders, lovable, but lonely and a bit rubbish at his job. When the body of long-lost local legend Tommy Burke is discovered, PJ is called to solve a serious crime for the first time in his career. Unearthing long buried secrets, PJ finally connects with the village he has tried so hard to avoid.rn
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