Last Tango in Halifax (season 2)

Last Tango in Halifax (season 2)
Complete season
Release dateNovember 20, 2012
CrewNicola Shindler, Karen Lewis, Sally Wainwright
Runtime60 min
The season continues to explore the lives of Alan (Derek Jacobi) and Celia (Anne Reid), whose late-in-life romance brings joy and upheaval to their families. Alan and Celia's Marriage. The couple decides to marry quickly and quietly, but their decision causes tension, particularly with Alan's daughter Gillian (Nicola Walker), who feels excluded. Family Drama. Gillian struggles with her past and her relationship with Robbie (Dean Andrews), while Caroline (Sarah Lancashire) faces challenges in her relationship with Kate (Nina Sosanya) as they navigate Caroline's coming out and Kate's desire for a child. Secrets Revealed. Gillian confesses to Caroline that she killed her abusive husband, Eddie, in self-defense, adding a dark layer to her storyline. Meanwhile, Celia reconnects with her estranged sister, Muriel (Gemma Jones), uncovering old family wounds.
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Episode 1
S02 E01 - Episode 1
Episode 2
S02 E02 - Episode 2
Episode 3
S02 E03 - Episode 3
Episode 4
S02 E04 - Episode 4
Episode 5
S02 E05 - Episode 5
Episode 6
S02 E06 - Episode 6

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