Complete season
Release dateApril 02, 2021
CrewAnastasia Puglisi, Paul Cabbad, Rick Marin, Juliet Lashinsky-Revene, Philip Huffman, Mark Dragin, John Adams, Cassandra Zamora, Terry Miller, Dick Wolf, Christopher Meloni, Peter Jankowski, Arthur W. Forney, Fred Berner, Zachary Reiter, Laura Aldridge, Jonathan Strauss, Ilene Chaiken, Jay Abbondanza, Adrian Bassuk, Kimberly Brown, Sakira Wang, Kevin Moogan, Lauren Gleason, Shira Steiner, Genevieve Martin, Julie A. Hrebec, Eric Haywood, Micky Blythe, Kimberly A. Harrison, Danny Faucetta, Kimber Stieber, Amy Durning, Charbel Youssef, Rebecca McGill, John Gaskin, Elizabeth Pellegrini, Joanna Rivera, Nichole Beattie, Lauren Kilbride, Stuart Nicolai, Maggie Sorce, Mark Lake, Dennis Voskov, Barry O'Brien, John Polson, Michael Dondero, Marcus Guillory, David Brownfield, Phillip Neel, Steven Rinaldo, Vanessa Gutierrez, Jeremy Zalben, Lee Silver, Arteen Aghazarian
CastAinsley SeigerBrent AntonelloCamilla BelleChristopher MeloniDanielle Monu00e9 TruittDylan McDermottGus HalperRick GonzalezTamara Taylor
Runtime42 min
In the court system, sex crimes are considered particularly serious. In New York City, such crimes are investigated by detectives from an elite unit known as the Special Branch. This is a story about them.rn
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