Lopez vs. Lopez (season 3)

Lopez vs. Lopez (season 3)
Complete season
Release dateNovember 05, 2022
Runtime22 min
Comedy series tells about a man named George, living in a small town. Surrounding people see him as a man who loves to get into other people's business. The central character is sure that literally all neighbors, friends and relatives hundred percent need his advice and worldly experience. Especially George likes to stick his nose in the affairs of his daughter, who recently became a mother. The girl has to make great efforts not to tell her father everything she thinks.rn
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Episode 1
S03 E01 - Lopez vs Wedding
Episode 2
S03 E02 - Lopez vs Halloween
Episode 3
S03 E03 - Lopez vs In-Laws
Episode 4
S03 E04 - Lopez vs the Roast of George Lopez
Episode 5
S03 E05 - Lopez vs Friends
Episode 6
S03 E06 - Lopez vs Orlando
Episode 7
S03 E07 - Lopez vs Santa
Episode 8
S03 E08 - Lopez vs Dateline
Episode 9
S03 E09 - Lopez vs Escu00e1ndalo
Episode 10
S03 E10 - Lopez vs Josuu00e9
Episode 11
S03 E11 - Lopez vs Memories
Episode 12
S03 E12 - Lopez vs Elsa
Episode 13
S03 E13 - Lopez vs Manny

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