NCIS (season 14)

NCIS (season 14)
Complete season
Release dateSeptember 23, 2003
Runtime45 min
This TV show tells about a group of special agents who are professionals and have sharp mind. Their main job is to investigate the hard cases related to the USA marines. Marines may be criminals or victims who must be protected. The head of this team is Gibbs. Except of him there are other people: medical examiners Mallard and Sciuto, former detective and now a member of the team DiNozzo, Mossad officer Ziva David. An, of course, every group needs an IT specialist Tomothy McGee. Every day, these heroes face various situations (even terrorists attack). This is an exciting detective action that tells about week days of the protagonists. They cannot always keep companionship in the team, but they always stay professionals.
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Episode 1
S14 E01 - Rogue
Episode 2
S14 E02 - Being Bad
Episode 3
S14 E03 - Privileged Information
Episode 4
S14 E04 - Love Boat
Episode 5
S14 E05 - Philly
Episode 6
S14 E06 - Shell Game
Episode 7
S14 E07 - Home of the Brave
Episode 8
S14 E08 - Enemy Combatant
Episode 9
S14 E09 - Pay to Play
Episode 10
S14 E10 - The Tie That Binds
Episode 11
S14 E11 - Willoughby
Episode 12
S14 E12 - Off the Grid
Episode 13
S14 E13 - Keep Going
Episode 14
S14 E14 - Nonstop
Episode 15
S14 E15 - Pandora's Box (I)
Episode 16
S14 E16 - A Many Splendored Thing
Episode 17
S14 E17 - What Lies Above
Episode 18
S14 E18 - M.I.A.
Episode 19
S14 E19 - The Wall
Episode 20
S14 E20 - A Bowl of Cherries
Episode 21
S14 E21 - One Book, Two Covers
Episode 22
S14 E22 - Beastmaster
Episode 23
S14 E23 - Something Blue
Episode 24
S14 E24 - Rendezvous

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