Complete season
NetworkABC (US)
Release dateOctober 23, 2011
CastAlison FernandezAndrew J. WestColin O'DonoghueDania RamirezGabrielle AnwarLana ParrillaRobert Carlyle
Runtime45 min
Emma Swan is a twenty-eight-year-old girl who lives an ordinary life. But she still suffers from the fact she gave away her child when she was eighteen. One day the young woman meets a ten-year-boy named Henry who turns out tot be her son. He begins to tell her some amazing things. She is a daughter of Snow White and Prince Charming, and there are two worlds, the real one and the fantasy one. A city of Storybrooke is the fictional world the boy tells about, and he has no doubt about its existence. But after a string of events Emma gets to this city.
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Episode 21-22
S06 E21E22 - The Final Battle (1) & The Final Battle (2)
May 15, 2017
S06 E21E22 - The Final Battle (1) & The Final Battle (2)
May 15, 2017