19 of 20 episodes
Release dateJanuary 03, 1993
CrewIra Steven Behr, Rick Berman, Peter Allan Fields, Robert Hewitt Wolfe, Michael Piller, Junie Lowry-Johnson
CastAlexander SiddigArmin ShimermanAvery BrooksCirroc LoftonColm MeaneyMark Allen ShepherdMichael DornNana VisitorNicole de BoerRenu00e9 AuberjonoisTerry Farrell
Runtime45 min
When the Cardassian occupation of Bajor ended in 2369, the mining space-station Terok Nor was left abandoned, its systems ripped out. By invitation of the provisional Bajoran government, Starfleet stepped in to oversee the rebuilding and day-to-day operations of the newly christened Deep Space Nine. DS9 soon became a center of travel and commerce thanks to a newly found stable wormhole leading to the largely unexplored Gamma Quadrant.
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Episode 20
S01 E20 - In the Hands of the Prophets
Will be soon
S01 E20 - In the Hands of the Prophets
Will be soon