Sullivan’s Crossing (season 3)

Sullivan's Crossing (season 3)
Coming soon...
Release dateMarch 20, 2023
CrewCarolyn Wu, Mitch Geddes, Rachel Goldstein-Couto, Pat DiVittorio, Michela Di Mondo, Justin Stockman, Carlyn Klebuc, Sarah Fowlie, Mark Gingras, Christopher E. Perry, Roma Roth, Mike Volpe
Runtime42 min
This Canadian romantic drama series, based on the novels by Robyn Carr, follows the story of Maggie Sullivan, a neurosurgeon who returns to her hometown in rural Nova Scotia after facing legal troubles. She reconnects with her estranged father, Harry Sully Sullivan, and navigates a potential romance with Cal Jones. Season 3 picks up where the previous season left off, with Maggie having confessed her feelings to Cal and now facing the decision to leave her medical career behind to help Sully run the family's campground. The new season promises to delve deeper into Maggie's adjustment to small-town life, which presents its own set of challenges after the high-stakes world of neurosurgery. The series will explore themes of family, love, and personal growth as Maggie and those around her seek second chances and new beginnings.
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Episode 1
S03 E01 - Episode 1
Episode 2
S03 E02 - TBA
Episode 3
S03 E03 - TBA
Episode 4
S03 E04 - TBA
Episode 5
S03 E05 - TBA
Episode 6
S03 E06 - TBA
Episode 7
S03 E07 - TBA
Episode 8
S03 E08 - TBA
Episode 9
S03 E09 - TBA
Episode 10
S03 E10 - TBA

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