The Bondsman (season 1)

The Bondsman (season 1)
Coming soon...
Release dateApril 03, 2025
CrewPaul Shapiro, Chris Dickie, Chris McCumber, Grainger David, Erik Oleson, Jeremy Gold, Jason Blum, Erik Holmberg, Kevin Bacon
Runtime42 min
The series stars Kevin Bacon as Hub Halloran, a resurrected bounty hunter whose return from the dead comes with a demonic twist: his job now involves battling supernatural forces. After being brought back to life, Hub discovers his work as a bounty hunter has evolved into a hellish mission. Lucifer's clerical error (reading the receipt wrong) transforms his targets into demonic entities, forcing him to confront both earthly fugitives and otherworldly threats. The series blends dark humor, action, and horror, with Hub navigating this new reality while reconnecting with his musical past and a potential love interest, Maryanne
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Episode 1
S01 E01 - Pot O' Gold
Episode 2
S01 E02 - Valacor
Episode 3
S01 E03 - Marphos
Episode 4
S01 E04 - Erdos
Episode 5
S01 E05 - Slypharis
Episode 6
S01 E06 - Revelations
Episode 7
S01 E07 - Pyralis
Episode 8
S01 E08 - Lilith

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