The Breakthrough (season 1)

The Breakthrough (season 1)
Complete season
Release dateJanuary 07, 2025
CrewPontus Edgren, Lejla Besic, Joshua Mehr, Elin Kvist
Runtime42 min
The series plunges viewers into the exciting world of investigating a long-awaited murder that has remained unsolved for 16 years. At the center of the plot is a gruesome double murder that left in shock not only the local community, but also the whole country. As time passes, the trail goes cold and hope for justice fades until two determined men decide to join forces to solve this tragedy. The team includes an experienced detective who has never given up and a genealogy expert whose advanced DNA analysis techniques open new horizons in solving criminal cases. They examine old evidence, interview witnesses and use advanced technology to reconstruct the picture of events.rn
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Episode 1
S01 E01 - The Unthinkable
Episode 2
S01 E02 - Leave No Stone Unturned
Episode 3
S01 E03 - Family Tree
Episode 4
S01 E04 - A Lonely Person

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