Coming soon...
NetworkBBC One
Release dateApril 05, 1997
CastCorin RedgraveDaniel CraigFrances BarberJames D'ArcyKitty AldridgeLynn FarleighPenny DownieWillie Ross
Runtime90 min
Living a quiet peaceful life in their wealthy mansion on the outskirts of town, with a personal gardener and a large number of servants, three separated women were suddenly shocked by a terrible discovery. The partially decomposed corpse of an unknown man was found in their yard. The police officers who arrive to investigate the incident are trying to overcome their hatred for the women of the mansion, brought on by the strange disappearance of the husband of one of the women, whom they have never been able to find. The same officer who handled the missing persons case ten years ago is determined to get the ladies out in the open. But the case is complicated by one of the deputies, who has not only a professional interest in one of the women.rn
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Episode 1
S01 E01 - Part One
Will be soon
S01 E01 - Part One
Will be soon
Episode 2
S01 E02 - Part Two
Will be soon
S01 E02 - Part Two
Will be soon