Complete season
Release dateMarch 04, 2025
CastAstrid MeloniBenedetta PorcaroliDeva CasselFrancesco ColellaFrancesco Di LevaGreta EspositoKim Rossi StuartPaolo CalabresiSaul Nanni
Runtime42 min
This is an exciting thriller with elements of drama, which immerses the audience in the dark world of the criminal underground. The main character is the charismatic and uncompromising Leopard, a former special forces officer who is forced to re-enter the game to save his family. In each series he faces new challenges and dangers, using his skills and abilities to fight criminals. The plot of the series is full of unexpected twists and turns and intrigue, and deeply developed characters cause strong emotional feelings in the audience. The Leopard is a series about courage, loyalty and the desire for justice, which will not leave indifferent any fan of the genre.
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