Complete season
Release dateDecember 31, 2018
CrewKathy Ciric, Matthew Weiner, Blake McCormick, Semi Chellas, Kriss Turner Towner
CastAaron EckhartAmanda PeetChristina HendricksIsabelle HuppertJack HustonJohn SlatteryMarthe Keller
Runtime60 min
After the overthrow of the imperial dynasty of Romanoffs, the whole family of the ruler of the Russian empire Nicholas II was detained and had been impounded till the summer of 1918. In July that year Soviet power made a decision to be done with the imperial family and shot Nicholas II, his spouse, his children and his close people. That tragedy happened and nothing can be changed. But many things of that period are still shrouded in mystery.
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Episode 3
S01 E03 - House of Special Purpose
October 19, 2018
S01 E03 - House of Special Purpose
October 19, 2018
Episode 8
S01 E08 - The One That Holds Everything
November 23, 2018
S01 E08 - The One That Holds Everything
November 23, 2018