Complete season
Release dateMarch 21, 2024
CrewCalle Jansson, Stina Meyer
CastAlexandra RapaportAnders MosslingArvin KananianBaxter RenmanEddie Eriksson DominguezPer GraffmanSam Herrgu00e5rdTobias Santelmann
Runtime42 min
The plot of the series revolves around a police officer with an addiction. When she accidentally discovers the body of a dead boy, she begins to doubt her sanity. But soon she realizes that this is not just a random incident, but an unsolved crime linked to a series of other murders. Now Veronica will have to use her professionalism and personal skills to solve the mystery and catch the killer at large. Along with this, she faces her own demons and a dark past that may be the only clue.rn
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