Complete season
Release dateMarch 03, 2013
CastClive StandenFerdia Walsh-PeeloGustaf Skarsgu00e5rdJonathan Rhys MeyersKatheryn WinnickMoe DunfordTravis Fimmel
Runtime45 min
All over the world, there are rumors of a strength and a character of the people who are battle-hardened in the North. The most powerful countries were destroyed by them. No one can stand out. There are interesting and exciting legends about North people. Famous warlord hoped they never met such cruel people on their way. Such words were told about vikings. These people never knew the meaning of the word like fear and obey. They managed to seize large territories in a short time.
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Episode 14
S04 E14 - In the Uncertain Hour Before the Morning
December 22, 2016
S04 E14 - In the Uncertain Hour Before the Morning
December 22, 2016