Complete season
Release dateDecember 06, 2019
CrewSue Tenney, Roma Roth, Christopher E. Perry, Amy Palmer Robertson, Jocelyn Freid, Sally Dixon, Ian Hay, Robyn Carr
CastAlexandra BreckenridgeAnnette O'TooleBenjamin HollingsworthColin LawrenceJenny CooperLauren HammersleyMartin HendersonTim Matheson
Runtime41 min
Searching for a fresh start, a nurse practitioner moves from LA to a remote northern California town and is surprised by what -- and who -- she finds.
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Episode 2
S02 E02 - Taken by Surprise
November 27, 2020
S02 E02 - Taken by Surprise
November 27, 2020
Episode 3
S02 E03 - The Morning After
November 27, 2020
S02 E03 - The Morning After
November 27, 2020