Voltron: Legendary Defender (season 4)

One day five teenagers, Keith, Lance, Hunk, Pidge and Shiro ended up on the planet named Altea. They woke princess Allura and her adviser Coran from age-old sleep. The guys learn about existence of five lion robots which can transform together into the greatest weapon in the universe, huge robot Voltron. Friends are to be Voltron pilots and protect galaxy from evil forces.
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Episode 1
S04 E01 - Code of Honor
Episode 2
S04 E02 - Reunion
Episode 3
S04 E03 - Black Site
Episode 4
S04 E04 - The Voltron Show!
Episode 5
S04 E05 - Begin the Blitz
Episode 6
S04 E06 - A New Defender

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